Saturday, August 1, 2009

Could Stardoll Be Giving Superstar Gifts Again?

Could Stardoll be giving Superstar gifts once again? The hotbuys shoes have been out for a few day and I've been expecting Stardoll to change this price. Now that this has been the pick of the day, I know for fact Stardoll is aware. So was this on purpose?

Over a year ago, Stardoll used to give one hotbuy each month for free to superstars. This release could be the start to that once again. As we all know, superstars have been given more privileges than ever lately. Maybe this is another gimmick Stardoll is using to get more people to buy superstar memberships. Its honestly a good idea but we won't know if its true until an item from August's hotbuys list is given out for free. All we can do is hope

Rock The World,

xoxo Adrienne


GiveLoveAChance said...

Maybe they decided we deserved it.