Monday, May 25, 2009

Exclusive Interview

Many of you haven't heard of Timeless Magazine, it is by likwhoaitsmaria, Timeless hasn't been released yet but I have seen a spoiler of the cover and it is great!

Me- Purple Maria- Blue

How did you get the idea for Timeless?

Well, since the summers approaching, i thought about the free time i was going to have, so i just out of the blue decided to create a magazine!

What is the overall concept?

I just want to create a magazine that will be reader-friendly, and everyone will hopefully love.

When will it be released?

Im planning on releasing it in August

If you want to be a writer what should you do?

First off, you should join the club TimeModels, which although its a model agency for the magazine, im also using it as an update center for the news about the magazine since, because i'm not superstar at the moment, i can't create another club :(. Then they can write a sample article and send it to me, which i will then decide if they should be a part of the Timeless staff.

How is Timeless different?

Unlike other stardoll magazines, this magazine will be made entirely by paint. I don't own photoshop and since the magazine is just starting off, i can't hire a graphics designer.

Could you give us an exclusive preveiw?

I'm working on a spoiler now, which i will be revealing in TimeModels, so you just have to join to find out! haha. The Covergirl however has been revealed, its Mel (bluegreen86) which i'm so excited about, cause i think she's the perfect person to be the very first covergirl of Timeless!

Do you want to add something?

I just want people to understand that Timeless is not another Style or Eternity (it obviously can't compare too them!lol) I just hope everyone will enjoy it for what it is!