Thursday, April 16, 2009

LE is in stores

If you want LE Hurry and go now now now to the LE Shop!
I saw that like on the LE Leather Jacket that it had that LONG line of how many were left. There are lots of those in this LE! Which But it's good if you really like it!Things that I wanted they didn't have left or whatever.


Rousha54321 said...

I bought the pink swimsuit... for some reason if I tried buying other things that were still in stock it said sorry this item is not available... or something like that..

Lauren said...

Yup LE was some problems sometimes :P
Like I bought the whole collection but I'm missing 2 items. The purple bracelet and a swimsuit. It says I own it though and checked my's like it's in my suite but invisible

Girl with a Lightning Scar said...

I wanted to buy the two tone tights but it wouldn't let me.
There was a LONGGGGGGGGG line but it says "The chosen item is not available".

Ana said...

WooHoo I was in first who bought LE,I got I <3 spring necklace,yellow dress,flowers pink dress and shoes. (:

lizzie1393 said...

i bought 6 things. they're all in the room i'm in now. =]

GiveLoveAChance said...

I wanted about three things.
And I couldn't buy most >.<

xooRoxanneoox said...

if they dont show in your suite message Stardoll and give them the transaction number for that day that you bought the stuff and it will reappear in your room.