Sunday, March 15, 2009


Hiya remember I posted like a few days ago about a winner who would win a code and DKNY SEQUINS DRESS!

Well today I was handing out that prize to the winner which is spockrocker i gave her the code then it was time for the dress sha told me she was ready in my bazaar to buy it and i Put it up for 1 dollars. Then 1 minute later when i clicked on bazaar to see if she got the dress it said a girl named:
had bought the dress.
I was shocked I asked spockrocker what happened and she said she had some electricity problems.
So i asked mluknienegra nicely to return the dress but she denied me and deleted my GB messages. So please I need you guys to ask her to return the dress or else I will get her deleted because I hate people like that.
If you need proof here is the proof:Please help me imagine how you'd feel if this was your prize and someone else got it?


Anonymous said...

oh man, i feel so bad for the winner, she only got half of the prize. thats horrible

Anonymous said...

maybe you should try to recompensate her prize?